Installation & Usage


Go to the extension website of your browser and download Notoy

or install from GitHub: manually install extension


GIF showing the usage of the Notoy browser extension

There is also a video on YouTube: Notoy usage on YouTube



Popup screen:
Screenshot of the extension's popup, running in Chrome

Options Screen:
Screenshot of the extension's options page, running in Chrome


Popup screen:
Screenshot of the extension's popup, running in Edge

Options Screen:
Screenshot of the extension's options page, running in Edge


Popup screen:
Screenshot of the extension's popup, running in Firefox

Options Screen:
Screenshot of the extension's options page, running in Firefox

Manually Install Extensions

  1. Download the latest release for your browser from GitHub latest release at GitHub
  2. Follow the instructions to install the extension for your browser:
    • Chrome:
      1. unzip the downloaded file to a directory
      2. go to chrome://extensions/
      3. enable Developer mode in the upper right corner
      4. click Load unpacked and select the unpacked extension
    • Edge:
      1. unzip the downloaded file to a directory
      2. go to edge://extensions/
      3. enable Developer mode in the lower left corner
      4. click Load unpacked and select the unpacked extension
    • Firefox:
      1. go to about:debugging
      2. click This Firefox to the upper left
      3. click Load Temporary Add-On...
      4. select the downloaded zip file